October 07, 2009

Blogger Block

Ainsley has asked me to contribute more to our blog. But I seem to have a nasty case of Bloggers block. I have tried on a few occasions to sit and write something deep, long and hilarious. But, much like my sex life, my attempts have not been deep nor long. Kind of funny, though.
Life in Sydney ticks along as per usual. I have not seen nearly as much of Ainsley as I would like. I think it's because without Liam and Lauren, she's slowly realising I'm not as cool as she once thought. Or possibly cooler, which carries its own complications.
I'm contemplating Halloween-themed costumes, and it's not easy. How can I look good, yet like a disgusting monster from the deep? Liam, how do manage to pull it off?
I'm saving up for a proper camera, and soon I will dive into photography head first.

That's all. I'm off.

God, I just read this blog entry. Ainsley, the only reason I'm submitting it is for you!

I'll do better next time. xx

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