August 13, 2009


The sun may shine in Sydney, but it does little to warm our hearts. The bitter wind of discontent screams through it's streets.

An unnamed and faceless god conspires to keep us apart.

Illness is sweeping the city, and we are not immune. Bedridden for days, we can only take comfort in our dreams. Dreams of each other. It is, for the moment, only in these subconscious arenas that our love can be felt. True and deep. Our imagination is such that, once our obsession can be consumated, it may never be enough. Waking from our dreams, moaning loudly, we are reminded of the distance that seperates us.

It is not only sickness that fights us, a fearful dictator has taken over Wynyard. Now, forced into slavery, even our weekends are disappearing.

We can only hope to see one another soon.

For now, we have our memories and, of course, our dreams.

August 06, 2009

The Departures

As we watch the back of Liam and Lauren, we are left to ponder: Will we miss them? The short answer is no.

We have each other, right?

Right? ...

Not ten minutes after our last sighting we were in good spirits. We meandered down to Opera Bar to drown our sorrows/look brightly into the future three months. Good conversation, good wine, good view, it was all there. It didn't take long for the warming effects of the mead to occur, loosening tongues, as it were. (That rhymed- You can decide for yourselves if it was on purpose..)

Then it happened.

One of our party, I'm not saying who, may or may not have exclaimed lovingly how sexually attracted they were to bespectacled members of the opposite sex.

This of course led the other person, who was at the time wearing glasses, to an inflated ego. The more beer that was consumed the more they became convinced their friend wanted to sleep with them.

(Ainsley and myself, of course, have an entire 'don't you let me know' history- The story of which is the reason for this blog's Adults Only rating. But I'm getting sidetracked..)

Alcohol was drunk, hands became wandering, the looks grew increasingly lusty. It was at this point that we stopped, withdrew, as it were, and looked at one another.

What was happening? What will happen? With the moral duo of our core four gone, will we be able to keep our friendship platonic?

Only time will tell.

This blog is for you, dear friends, so you can feel like you are still part of our day to day existence.

Watch this space.